Code of Conduct

Message from the President & CEO
As a leading industrial investment company with a brands and consumer-oriented scope, we have an important societal responsibility, and our stakeholders must be able to trust that everything we do is based on ethical business operations, reflecting a commitment that is the very cornerstone of our activities. As President and CEO, I have an overarching responsibility for Orkla’s Code of Conduct, but it is also a collective responsibility that each one of us must live up to every single day. It guides the way we work, how we interact with our stakeholders, the assessments we make and the decisions we take.
Orkla’s Code of Conduct sets out clear ethical guidelines for the way we must run our business. If you are in doubt as to the right thing to do, it is important that you seek advice and consult your manager or other in-house specialists. You can also report concerns directly through Orkla’s whistle-blowing channel.
In this way, we can collectively take the right decisions for Orkla, and our stakeholders can have trust in us in every context.
Only by doing business in a fair and ethical way will we reach our goals and achieve long-term success.
Nils Selte
Orkla President and CEO