Policy update

Orkla with updated Sustainability Policy and strengthened Animal Welfare Policy
In light of new regulatory sustainability reporting requirement Orkla has developed, and overarching Orkla Sustainability Policy approved by the Board of Directors. In addition to the overarching Orkla Sustainability Policy several other more detailed policy documents have been developed to clearly state Orkla requirements and expectations to portfolio companies, business partners and suppliers. Among these policies is a strengthened Animal Welfare Policy.
As an industrial investor in food producing companies Orkla wants to make a difference by safeguarding animal welfare in its value chain. Each year millions of animals are raised for human consumption throughout the world. The welfare of these animals depends on how the rearing, handling, transporting and processing of the animals is carried out. Orkla Companies has a wide range of products that include ingredients or components that derive from animals, such as dairy ingredients, beef and pork meat, poultry, egg and wool. Due consideration for animal welfare in the production of these raw materials is an important part of responsible sourcing.
The purpose of this policies is to increase awareness, guide suppliers and stakeholders, and contribute to responsible business practices. A conservative estimate for cage-free sourcing for 2024 is 62% percent of volumes sourced in total by Orkla’s portfolio companies. Orkla will engage it’s portfolio companies and strive for meeting the target for cage-free egg sourcing in 2025.